Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Nightmares of Dating

In bed today because my doctor talked me into the flu shot. I had a relapse over a cold and a mix up in my medications. But any whoo I was thinking about some nightmares I've been having over a man sticking his tongue out like a snake force himself on me trying to kiss me after I clearly said no. So gross.....I was thinking that I had to be more open minded in dating, but I just realized I don't have to settle for someone that Im not attracted to. He is gross, this man has being a ladies man with being a gentlemen. The last straw for me was, Im still recovering from my relapse and Im very fatigued. As I was telling him I was tired, he made a comment "your always tired". I cant date no one who doesn't understand my illness, my symptoms are invisible but their are there. Im not ready to date, cause I can barely hold my composer when a smart comment is made. If we weren't in church I would've told him how out of place, out of style, and unchristian he truly was.

Being open minded and settling are two different things. I thought I had to settle because I wasn't sure if someone would still love me with my two illness that are very uncertain. I still deserve a gentlemen, who will honor my boundaries, respect the aspect of my illness, and support me. He was so gross and disgusting of a man, I've been having nightmares of the kiss we had. I feel so violated because I absolutely do not respect this man. Maybe, I should hold off on dating till I get myself together the way I would like to be.


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