Thursday, October 16, 2014

We have the power to change the outcome!

It's been a while since I've written. It's been on my mind , but I get so easily distracted. When your not obligated to do anything outside the minimum of your priorities, you scape goat your way by. Well, anyways here's the scope on me I've started walking again finally. I've transition from the wheelchair, to walker, to cane, and now rarely nothing at all. I still have to watch my balance here and there, but it's like I'm a little toddler taking off.

I have never been so grateful as am in this present time. I'm experiencing life in a differently way, appreciating and respecting the boundaries of my body, and abilities. This past weekend I was finally able to go out in a crowd of people and hang out with the girls. The thing was I saw things differently, I couldn't move that fast as others, and other hand I didn't want to. Just taking it all in, my experience's over the past few years have really changed my perspective.

We all want to get back to where we were in life, but now I feel that I should become a better person than I was before. What better time could I choose to change some negative habits. Sometimes we are chosen to slow down our life's for a reason. And many of our experiences are only temporary, even though we may have to carry a certain illness, or any change to us for life. Because I am sick doesn't give me a free pass to give up on hope, dreams, ambition. I have to many skills, experience, and character to just to lay it down or aside just because I'm experiencing an uncomfortable change in my life.

This little bit of progress is encouragement  to me, I may never be the same but I can surely live with this change.


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