Monday, September 22, 2014

Always be willing to adapt to change and aspire to do more. Getting some drastically life changing news can have you lost. The biggest key to the component is to be willing to try understand what is attacking you. You don't have to understand why all the time, but being able to identify the situation is where people miss their chance to overcome and move forward.

Okay, so you got a curve ball thrown and it hits you. Yeah, it hurts and may have left a bruise. It doesn't give you a right to give up the whole game. That bruise may serve as a reminder, you went through something and you overcame it. Dreams are often detoured,and delayed, but don't just throw them away. Adapt to where you are at in life now and make those changes, embrace them for it will be so much easier. It's so easy to say but it is a battle within yourself if your trying to become a better person. Throw out all the former plans and maybe some people that may be hindering you. Let go of the past mistakes, because they can be draining. Let go of the old you because no matter how much you want to return to that person, it is done and has served it's purpose in your life. Our shortcomings, life changing disaster's all serve a purpose wither you like it or not.  If you are like I personally do disagree with all these changes, but God has designed me for a purpose.

If you believe in God like I do, he specializes in radical changes in your life. Once bed bound and wheelchair ridden I didn't know if I could make any changes. I just knew I didn't want to be stuck where I was at. I began to let it go, the anger, frustration, carrying the old pains, old scars that happened so long ago. After all that I began to see my body heal, the doctor's they continue to give me bad news, and I do everything they say. But for every bad report God's works something out for me. I began pushing and he began leading. I now am starting to walk with no cane, made all the necessary changes and advocating for myself. Who is going to care for you, if your not trying to do it for yourself. We can't do it on our own, but you have to have the drive and determination to move on

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