Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 15th

Do you ever wonder how did you get to this point in your life. Truth is most of the times you never just get there, things don't just suddenly happen,  you just wasn't aware of the warning signs. Wither you were oblivious to the facts, ignored, overlooked the signs. They were there, you just didn't understand what it all meant till it was all put together. The real task begins once you figure out where you at in life or this illness is where do you go from here. The chemotherapy treatment is only a couple weeks away, I keep going back and forth about is there another option that can turn this thing around.  Is my faith in God not working, yes it's a blessing that I'm still functioning. I find myself asking Lord why???  every time I get on my knee's. It could be worse and I'm learning to come into acceptance that this is my journey and my testimony. However long I'm on this earth I'm meant to help heal someone else's soul and give them hope through showing them the strength that God has given me through  this trail. To God be the glory! Without faith it is impossible to get through your most tragic times, you have choices to make, your function and working under distress. This is the only thing that can carry  you is your faith. Be careful how you carry it, it is your jewel. If it's not feed properly it can poison others. So take care of your jewel.

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